
Can a dentist cleaning make my teeth yellower?

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I went to get a dentist cleaning recently and instead of being dull yellow my teeth are bright yellow now. Why could this be?




  1. YES !  If the dentist uses a metal curved object ,It can cause little ridges if they scrape too hard. Stains form in these ridges very fast. You need a dentist who makes your teeth smooth so there is no place for stains to form.

      My white teeth turned very yellow just 3 days after a hygenist scraped my teeth and my dentist told me that is what happened.

  2. I shouldn't think so !  

  3. Because the hygienist scraped off the little beige plaque sweaters off your teeth, and now the real color is showing.  It's like going through the carwash after you haven't washed the car for a while--you don't realize how gunky it had gotten until you washed it.

    Why not ask about bleaching?  There are lots of ways to do it and I think it helped me a lot (we did the laser thing).  I have the BEST dentist--he doesn't try to "sell" me procedures but when he does them at my request, they turn out great!  Bad jokes, but great guy.

  4. no - it is the colour your teeth would've been but the plaque etc. was making them appear dull - try bleachin but do remember yellow teeth are usually stronger than white

  5. No a dentist cant make teeth yellower.

  6. def not the dentaL cleaning. moms a dental hygienist and they dont in any way make your teeth yellower.

    if anything makes them shinier.

    start brushin

  7. sometimes before i brush my teeth in the morning, my teeth look real white.

    then after i brush them they look a lil more yellow.

    idk why, but maybe it's the same thing?

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