
Can a diabetic have a heart attack by being mad and upset all the time?

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ok my wife went to see her doctor this morning and she found out that she is a diabetic but she stays mad alot and gets pissed off over any little thing now can she have a heart attack as she is now a diabetic




  1. Stress can cause heart problems, but her diabetes can be causing the anger and stress--once she gets her sugar under control, I'll bet you a dollar her temper will even out too. Low sugar can cause a person to become combative and angry, and glucose levels that rise and fall rapidly can really make your moods change rapidly.

    Help her get her sugar under control as soon as you can. Check out the American Diabetes Association web site for help and support.

  2. Anger/stress are a part of life these days. Try finding a way to help her with these issues and to manage them. These can be a factor in many health issues.

    Diabetes is not cause by either of these. I suggest seeing a physician to assist her with a good diet/excercise program. If her sugar is high - a medication should be discussed - such as Metformin - but a physician should be her first course of action.

    You might also start with taking a walk together - great for stress, nice excercise and a wonderful thing to do together.

  3. Anyone can have a heart attack for any reason. Being diabetic can increase her risk of having one. She should control her blood sugar and try to control her anger issues if she wants to reduce her risk.  

  4. Diabetes causes both high blood pressure and high cholesterol.  Both of these cause heart attacks.

    Diabetes also weakens the blood vessels. This, along with high blood pressure, causes strokes.

    Being mad increases the amount of adrenalin in the system, which in turn increases the amount of sugar in the blood..  Increased blood sugar make the diabetes worse, which makes the blood pressure and cholesterol worse, which increases the possibility of a heart attack.

    Diabetes itself will not casue her to have a heart attack,  It is the OTHER things that do it -  high blood pressure and high cholesterol.  

    Being mad just aggravates ALL of these probnlems, which in turn increases the chance for a heart attack.  Her chances are worse, though, because she is a diabetic.

    HOWEVER . . .

    It is also very possible that being mad all the time is a symptom if the diabetes.  Diabetes affects the hormones, which affects our "outlook on life". [My wife almost divorced me before I was diagnosed as diabetic].  Even now, if I miss a dose of my meds for some reason, it is noticeable in my personality.

    So hold on a little bit longer.  Proper treatment of the diabetes might just make EVERYTHING better.

    BTW: Diabetes also reduces our (men and women) ability to enjoy s*x. Treat the diabetes and the ability and willingness to enjoy s*x usually improves.

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