
Can a dietary supplement be taken for cholestorol in stead of a medication or must one ask his doctor first?

by Guest58925  |  earlier

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Can a dietary supplement be taken for cholestorol in stead of a medication or must one ask his doctor first?




  1. ALWAYS go to your doctor if your not sure. This is yahoo and some ppl will tell you anything!!!!!!!!

  2. Our cholesterol metabolism is not perfect and for this very reason, if someone is found to have elevated cholesterol level than normal values, doctors will always prescribe statin such as Lipitor to prevent cardiovascular conditions.

    Bile Acid Sequestrants such as Choletysramine are also used in the past to lower cholesterol level but it is not well-received due to its side-effects.

    If one decides to abandon its medication in favour of alternative medicine ,be it supplements or herbal remedies, he or she should always consult his/her doctor before doing so. Moreover, high cholesterol level is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, one should not take it lightly.

  3. There are many foods and herbal medications that are supposed to lower cholesterol. If you are just being health conscious or your cholesterol is only borderline high your doctor will most likely ask you to try to lower your cholesterol through non prescription methods. If however, your cholesterol level is very high your doctor will most likely put you on medication.  

  4. Hi,

    In the UK you can have your cholesterol checked at Lloyds chemist.

    You cholesterol should be no higher than 5.

    If it is slighly high-6 or 6.5, you can bring it down by less animal fats, cut out fried dishes, prawns, cheese etc.

    But if it is 8 or more you will need medication called "statins". These can only be supplied on prescription from your doctor.

    If you do need this medication you do not need to change your diet as the medication will do what is necessary to get the cholesterol down to 5 or less!

  5. If you are thinking about doing anything like that then I suggest you ask your doctor. You could end up causing a problem you never knew could happen.

  6. You'll want to talk to your doctor. First, it's important to know what your cholesterol level is, and what risks are associated. Next, you'll want to make sure the supplement will be safe for you. That's especially true if you're taking other medications.

    You should also be aware that Congress put a big hole in the FDA's authority back in the mid 90's, so "dietary supplement" is a phrase that is full of unregulated quackery. Be darned sure of what you're taking and what to expect. There are very, very few of these things that have any evidence of positive effect. Even doctors are subject to being swayed by testimonials and other methods of quacks, so you should realize you're a lamb in the woods. If the supplement you're thinking about is accompanied by glowing testimonials of how well it works, that's strong evidence that it's BS.

  7. You will most definitely need to talk to your doctor before doing anything.  What kind of "dietary supplement" are you thinking about taking?  Some nutritional strategies I recommend to my high cholesterol patients are:eliminate all damaged and refined fats (trans fats, becel, most processed vegetable oils (sunflower, safflower, canola etc), increase soluble fiber intake (beans, legumes, steel cut oatmeal, apples, okra), and increase omega 3 intake (wild oily fish, ground flax seed, hemp seed, walnuts) all in addition to a healthy balanced diet.  This is best done while working with your doctor and nutritionist together.

    Good luck!

  8. its not a case of what to eat,but, what not to eat, ie, prawns, shrimp

    soft cheese, pastry. you might get a diet sheet from your doctor,

    failing that, go to a weight watchers meeting, they have them; dont

    forget your body makes  cholestorol so you might still need medication

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