
Can a doctor's office train you to do nurses abilities like giving shots and taking blood legally.?

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Can a doctor's office train you to do nurses abilities like giving shots and taking blood legally.?




  1. No ( a way...yes.  But

    You will need to be licensed by the state in order to perform these functions.  The only exception is if you are a student nurse.  Nursing students are required to do 'clinical trials' (volunteer their time in order to get on the job training).  IF you are a student, you will be trained in a doctor's office or hospital.  However, it must be part of a larger program of nursing education.

  2. As far as I know you have to do your nurses training and doctors surgeries will not be able to train you to do things like this.

  3. Yes but not legally.

  4. that varies from location to location, country to country and state to state.  In some places you can be permitted to do those things and in others you aren't....

    By and large office staff ARE permitted to draw blood and give injections in the US (under the Doctor's license) if (s)he can show that they have been trained to do so and (s)he is in the immediate vicinity (i.e. in the building...)

  5. Nope, you have to go to school to give shots and take blood.

  6. NO, you have to have schooling to perform these duties. Nursing is a licensed field and is monitored by each state.

  7. I believe that would fall under what we call "delegated authority" in some states ... as were the physician under his liscense will assume the liability and guarantee that you are trained to do such duties ...

    But some states do not allow this ... and some state boards(ie, Nursing, Medical Lab Technology) prohibit infringement on their "domain" ....

  8. Nursing and medical assisting duties are specified by the individual states, and they vary from state to state.  If you hold a license that legally permits you to do those things, then the office should be able to train you.

    If not, you can be fined or worse by the state nursing or medical board.

    You need to check the laws in your state.

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