
Can a doctor please help me or answer my question?

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I know its long but please take the time to help me.

Well it kinda all started before my vacation to Florida because me and my family all drive to Florida to see and stay with my grandpa and his

girlfriend. A couple days before we left I started to get really dizzy in the afternoon for no reason and it was enough to the point where i had to lie down on the carpet and eventually it went away then a headache came on.I was ok then the car ride i got dizzy, headache again, then when we got there i went swimming once again it was a headache but it was a pressure headache and i kinda avoided swimming but as the vacation went i got headaches and dizziness again then for some reason it kinda dulled down and i wasn't feeling anything for the rest of the trip and if it was it was minor (keep in mind the headaches are like a dull achy pain) not a regular headache pain, it subsided then somewhat came back before we left to go home, then about a couple days into it i was having diahrrea but it wasn't explosive it was just like it kinda fell apart it didn't have the normal consistency of regular p**p this continued for the rest of the vaction, the ride home was fine the headaches were minimial if there was any. then i got home was ok then sure enough the symptoms are starting up again accept this time i get like this nausea after i eat and shortly after it comes out you know sooner then it should (p**p) i am occosically dizzy and i have headaches but there like normal ones now not a dull pain and since all of this has been happening i have kinda been in and out of depression like i don't want to do things i would normally love doing. Sometimes it hurts to think of something or ill try to remember something it will kinda hurt, so as of now i got a regular headache with no dizziness should I go to the doctor?

and sorry for being more descriptive then i should have been i just need some opinions .

Thank you for your time to read this.

Oh and if it helps I'm 16 and a male.




  1. Lol im no doctor but my sister has the same problems. It's called being car sick

  2. are eat or dink you should have 10 glasses of water a say and 3 meal. if you have this then. go see a doctor.

  3. You need to see a doctor and you shouldn't waste much time in getting an apointement set up. The described symptoms would sound like those of a stroke or an anerism in the brian areas.

    The depression and demotivation condition would also support that thought.

    See your doctor, cut and paste the description that you sent here to a document or Email foremat print it and give it to your docotor. It will give him everything that he needs to start searching for a cause of what you are experiencing. It would save you doing alot of explaining, and by the time that you see him, some of your memory of events will be getting old.  

    It for sure is not to be shrugged off and accepted as normal. Life is too important for that.

    Take my advice!

    Me! :- )  

  4. Yes, you need to see a doctor. You maybe having migraines and or tension headaches.  

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