
Can a doctor stop seeing you if your bill is past due?

by  |  earlier

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My 6 year old daughter is going to be going to a psychologist for therapy for OCD and other anxiety disorders. We will be starting out going weekly untill we see how much insurance will cover. If it's not going to cover enough then unfortunately we may have to only take her monthy.

So here's my question. Say we start going and a few months into owe say a few hundred dollars. As long as we make payments on the balance each month will they still see my daughter? Or can they stop seeing you unless you pay the entire balance in full?

I'm not planning on stiffing them or anything. Any balance that got out of hand that I couldn't pay at one time I would pay probably at tax time. It's just very very important therapy and I'm so terrified that we won't be able to afford the help she really needs even though we do have insurance.




  1. If you keep the bill current, I can't see the psychologist cancelling your daughter. Not  that it can't be done, I just have

    never heard of it. I would inform them that you will keep the bill

    currnently paid and also you are waiting for the insurance to

    pay on it.  Alot of the insurances pay approximately 50% of

    mental bills. I hope this helps your dilemna. I still would be up

    front with them before you incur any debt.

  2. I believe most places will still see you, if you make payments even if they are small they will still see you.

  3. Would you go to work and not get paid...

  4. yes they can try a payment plan

  5. I would talk to the doctor about your situation....and possibly discuss a payment plan.

    But, be warned, some doctors require payment at the time the patient is being seen and will not accept anything less than full payment less insurance.

  6. It depends on the doctors office, I would just tell them your concerns ahead of time and make sure that they have a payment plan, if not I would find a doctor that does.

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