
Can a doctor tell if a 13 teen year old has masturbated before?

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Ok I m********e ok lets get that out of the way. Boo hoo im to young but im a guy its not like you haven't. Anyway I'm going to the doctors friday and I might have to get a physical not sure. Anyway I'm scared that she'll find out and tell my parents. Ive heard all of these myths that they can tell. Are they true?




  1. NO.

  2. I started masturbating at 11 years old, and have been having fun to this day. The doctor can't tell, nor would I think he/she would care if you did. It is perfectly normal for you to m********e, for everyone to m********e, its normal! And if your parents do rag you about it, tell them its normal and that you are a growing boy with hormones and changes, and that you are at that phase in life where you are discovering new things about you.  

  3. Look Josh, nobody is going to judge you by whether or not you m********e, so, friend to friend, lose the attitude.  You are among friends - this is Men's Health, remember.

    Most people here would probably think it weird if you DIDN'T jerk it off, I mean you are 13 and some of us have been doing it for years by that age.  We all do it, as often as possible, so don't be defensive.

    And the doctor can't tell if you have masturbated or not and I'm sure she frankly doesn't care.  She might wonder why your NOT masturbating if she could tell.

    And Josh, your parents should realize that they now have a young man and that masturbation is normal and natural at your age and I'm sure they expect this to happen.  Be cool dude and enjoy every minuet of it.


    I answered before I read the other answers but I like what HP said "if your folks rag you about it tell them they should have had a girl"  I hope they don't rag you about it but if they do remember those lines.  They're classic.

  4. lol no do not thinck so but don't do it till then  

  5. 1.  No, there is NO PHYSICAL SIGN WHATSOEVER that you m********e -- so no, a doctor can't tell.

    #2. The doctor does NOT care.  Nearly every male in the world masturbates.  The few that do not generally have mental challenges.  She doesn't care, presumes that every male she sees does m********e, and has no respect (trust me) for any parent who has a problem with their kid masturbating.  She is likely to laugh in their faces if they ask.  Every doctor I know would, and I know quite a few as colleagues, or as friends.



  6. first materbation doesnt cause any problems liekt hose myths say anywasy no she cant find out and ur nto to young also ur parents allready knwo dude

  7. almost sure they cant tell and even if they did they wouldnt tell your parents no need its not unusual for a 13 year old to jerk it

  8. Definitely NOT!

    Why do you have a Woman Dr.? Is it your mom's Dr.? Why don't you tell her you want a MALE Dr.!

    I think having a Female Dr. would be uncomfortable and I'd feel awkward talking "Guy" things with Her..........

  9. no bro evertything is fien...u wotn get caugh.jjaaj unless u mom comes and finds u ur room doing it.jaaj

  10. Don't believe in any masturbation myths.

    Yes, she can tell you have masturbated before, because you are alive and breathing and 13!

    If your parents rag you about it, tell them they should have had a girl!

  11. No they can't tell just by looking but they can guess I mean you're 13 most guys m********e at age 13 and guess what the doctor probably did too. They can't tell your parents but guess what I'm sure your parents already know you do it and they probably did it at 13 as well and probably still do (ew sorry to disturb you).

    and to the idiot who said you should have told your parents to have a girl...almost all teenage girls m********e too and most of them have started by 13, fyi.


  12. nahh.... i dont think so!

  13. Even if the doctor could, why would you be scared? Grow a pair, dude.

  14. nah especially if your a guy.

    Plus anything that happens in a doctors office is confidential so you have no worries.

  15. Don't think they can. However your doc is a pervert to be touchin your balls enough to see if you have masturbated before.

  16. No. Aha. Good question.

  17. 13 is a real pain of an age. Your hormones are going totally crazy and your body is growing fast. Oh man! What a terrible time. However! All is not lost little buddy. The stories you hear are not true. First, the doctor won't be interested unless you have a physical problem attached to the practice of masturbation. If that is the case, tell the doctor because, trust me dude, she's heard it all and when she was being trained, she learned it all. If things are going normally, masturbation is a normal practice. You won't have anything to worry about as long as you don't suddenly drop them and start doing it in the mall or a theatre. If that happens, you may need to consult a different type of medico. You're fine and normal. get on with your life and enjoy every minute.

  18. The only way the doctor would know is if you whipped it out and started whacking in the waiting room. No dude, you are safe.

  19. No she can't tell.... and even if she could she would not care because it's perfectly normal for a teenager to m********e.

    In fact she would probably be surprised if you DIDN'T m********e.

  20. Don't worry!! You're fine, she won't be able to tell and she couldn't tell your mom without your consent.  You're safe!!!!

  21. yes when he looks at your information sheet and sees that you are 13 years he will automtically know that you have masturbated. ALL guys m********e. Even your doctor has masturbated before and your dad imagine that !!!  

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