
Can a dog sense a spirit? Why?

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Can a dog sense a spirit? Why?




  1. No,of course not.they are sensitive to sounds and smells we're not aware of.Sometimes that looks like they're aware of something,we can't see.My dog,a westie can sense a rabbit in the neighbors yard.From inside our house with the AC on and windows closed.Silly people love to give spirit answers for simple questions.

  2. Animals are more aware of ghosts as they can see and hear in higher frequency than we can.

    Animals behaving strangely:

    Bizarre animal behavior can be an indication of a haunting or paranormal activity. Dogs and cats are very sensitive to the paranormal and possess finely tuned psychic abilities. Animals may be able to sense spirit energy in a house, even before the resident is aware of it's presence. A cat seemingly watching the movements of an invisible object in the room.... dogs barking at apparently unseen entities, or being afraid to go into a certain part of the house are some signs to watch for.

  3. Why suppose a fantastic explanation when a natural explanation is quite satisfactory?  Dogs have natural senses (hearing,smell, etc.) which are far greater than any human. They can sense things we can't, and we are left wondering what they are going on about. It isn't supernatural, but natural.

  4. can spirit sense other spirit?  

    can they talk to each other and party it up and.. stuff?

    does dog have spirit?

    can human spirit own a dog spirit as pet?

  5. There are no such things as ghosts and spirits.  These are things made up for the amusement of children and some adults, they don't have any real existence except in the imagination.


  6. I have never met a dog that can sense a spirit, but I have met cats who could.  That doesn't mean that dogs couldn't, but I just haven't seen it myself.

    Animals have a heightened sensitivity to smell, sight, and sound and they will tend to accept what they percieve, .  People, on the other hand, will often ignore things that do not make sense or try to fit what they are percieving into their world view.

    If a spirit were around, and if the spirit caused even a slight change in environmental conditions (like a cooler temperature, a slight electrical charge, or a hazy image) it is more likely that an animal would percieve the spirit than a person.  At the same time, it is more likely that an animal would react to that sort of stimuli than a human who is trying to make sense of the world through rational thought.

    So, it's nothing supernatural about dogs or cats.  It's just that thier senses are much sharper than a human's senses, and that animals are more likely to percieve a spiritual presence if the spirit causes even very slight changes in the environment.  I hope this answer helps!

  7. Hi there,

    Cats, Dogs, Horses, Birds and other animals are made up of the same energy that humans are, and it may be as possible that this energy can survive death, just as it can for people. Anyone who is close to their pets will testify to the psychic connection they share. Psychic energy and spiritual energy may all be a part of the same phenomenon, and so animals might have as much of a connection to the unseen world as we do.

    Theres alsorts of stories about animals having some kind of Psychic connection.  Somethings such as ;-

    A pet cat jumps up onto the windowsill every day, several minutes before its owner arrives home.

    A pet dog barks just before a certain person calls on the phone, as if knowing the call was being made.

    A beloved pet, somehow lost on a family trip, miraculously finds its way home - sometimes traveling hundreds or even thousands of miles.

    How are these things possible? Do our pets - perhaps even all animals - possess some innate psychic ability that allows them to tune in to human brainwaves.  Or, are they just more sensitive than humans to visual, aural, magnetic and other subtle environmental factors and changes which allows them to see, feel and hear things that some of us cant.

    I think animals aswel as young children have the same kind of sixth sense and research shows this is mostly to do with the pure nature of them.  Meaning animals and young children are opened minded.  Children believe in anything, and their minds (aswel as animals) are not crowded with lifes everyday pressures as with us adults.

  8. Take your dog to a grave yard and see if he seems to be seeing stuff or not

  9. Dogs as well as all animals can sense things most human adults will never witness due to the denial of possibilities that there are things in life they just do not know.

    Don't get me wrong I am not saying that dogs can sense spirits but since they are not blinded by the opinions of those that can't seem to find answers to the unexplained, they would be better at seeing a spirit.

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