
Can a dog still be in heat at 28 days and get pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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And also will dogs still breed if the female is pregnant but still in heat?




  1. I guess I don't totally understand the question but a female can not be pregnant and also be in heat.  

    What do you mean by "at 28 days".    

  2. B1tches stay in season regardless of whether they have been mated, it's rare that a ***** can be mated at 28 days but does happen occasionally. Dogs will mate with b1tches for as long as the ***** will stand - usually only a couple of days, sometimes only a few hours, sometimes a whole week.

    All b1tches are different.

    Edit: b*****s CAN be pregnant & in season.  Whether a ***** has been mated or not, whether that mating is successful or not, the season carries on for the full 21 or so days - one reason why more than one dog can sire pups in the same litter.

  3. As long as the female is in season, she can become pregnant.  A litter of puppies can have many different sires.  So the answer to both of your questions is yes.  It kind of unusual for a female to be in heat past 21 days.  Are you sure that she's still in heat?

  4. Didn't you just ask this yesterday?

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