
Can a doll be haunted?

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I have a doll that i got from a market when i was 7 im now 22 and i always feel uneasy around her i dont know why and i always have nightmares about her. My little bro (16) wont even be in the same room as her, he must get that uneasy feeling around her too. I dont know if anything strange happends i havnt seen anything. Just the feeling i get when im near her and constant nightmares. Can she be haunted? If she is can haunted dolls be dangerous?




  1. I have had hundreds over the years.  No. they are only toys.  They can be manipulated but not possessed.  demonds possess living things.   Just remember that it is only a lifeless toy.

  2. May we see a picture of the doll?  And no, your doll is not haunted.  Did you watch a chuckie movie?  That might do it...

    I have a doll I can't part with either, and people do get creeped out because the eyes look very real.  Calm down and remind yourself, a toy can't hurt me.

    Want to expirement?  Leave the doll in another room for a week, and see if the nightmares go away.  If they do, it might be time to think about letting the doll go...

  3. Not at all. Remember. Most of the time it's all in your head.

  4. well i don't know, try setting her in one place 1 night then when you wake up the next morning check to see if anything is different, if there is it's haunted if not then your just going crazy!

  5. Uh...don't think your doll is haunted. Its probably just creepy looking. Like most clowns.

  6. My sister has a doll that is the same age as i am (16) even i can't believe it! but sometimes i also feel uneasy around that doll, sometimes i think it's alive because it's older than me, you know? sometimes we get that feeling...that when a doll is a couple of years old then it's kind of a bad omen for us.

  7. Of course it can ; )
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