
Can a dumpy tree frog live with hermit crabs?

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I want to get a dumpy tree frog but my big aquarium is being used to house hermit crabs(2). It has a heat lamp and good humidity. So can they live together. If not then why?Just wondering...




  1. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO   they will attack each other especially the crabs with those snappers!

  2. The hermit  crabs will pick on the frog

    its better to keep them apart

  3. Please do NOT listen to the person who told you that you can house them together.

    There are several reasons as to why you should not do this.

    First of all, both tree frogs AND hermit crabs are viscious eaters. Do not take any notice to the person who said that you can house tree frogs with anything as they do not eat anything. Well here's a story for you, I had 12 tree frogs living together and once my biggest one decided she would like to make a meal out of her smaller frog friend (my mistake for putting it there, but hey, it was my first experience). So if they eat other frogs I'm sure they wouldnt mind eating crabs. And crabs can not be put with any other animal as they will eat them.

    Apart from that, frogs have very sensitive skins, and one touch from the hermit's hands and thats it. Also tree frogs give off toxins when threatened which may cause big harm to your crab!

    Final point, tree frogs are very very poor swimmers. They will drown in the height of water required for your crab

    Please do not do this and put them in separate caging. The person who has managed to do this is just running on luck and his luck will run out eventually!

  4. heck no. if the dumpy is big enough it  will try to eat the hermit crab and during the day the hermit crab  might damage the frogs skin. and ignore the dude that said that they are ok with all animals that is a load of lie. i had two dumpyies and the snake bit one and one day later that frogs was dead. and i have done the same with hermit crabs, it dies not turn out good, and they live in different climates.

  5. lol ignore the previous me i have had two green treefrogs and 3 dumpy treefrog living with my 2 hermies for the past year and they all get along fine..treefrogs are the best communal herp meaning they can just about be put in the same tank as anything that wont eat them or they wont eat for example various species of anoles smaller toads like fire bellieds arrow frogs pacman frogs small green snakes hermit crabs many species of sallies and newts and ground skinks and many more. they get along with just about anything but if you notice problems relating to stress cause which i highly doubt will happen then go ahead and remove him...hope this helps and pick me as the best answer i need the points

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