
Can a dyslexic get in to oxford uni?

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Can a dyslexic get in to oxford uni?




  1. on

  2. No,

    the teachers cant read their writing!

  3. You have as good a chance as anyone else, provided you get through the interview & get the required grades there's no reason why you shouldn't

  4. if you get good grades, yeah

  5. Yes but they will probably have to push themselves a little harder than most to accomplish getting into Oxford. But you can do anything you set your mind to. Also I work with Disability Services at my university and if you set yourself up with the Disability Services at Oxford when you apply they can help with taking classes, making sure you understand, and have more time to take test and things of that nature. Also I don't really know what year you are in but if you talk to a school counselor (if your still in high school)  they could help set you up with Disability Services and get you started in talking to them so that your prepared. If not then just located where they are on the campus and pay a visit to them and talk to them about your situation.

    Good Luck!

  6. Yes!  It is your determination and improvisation to minimize any challenges you have which will determine your ability to succeed with most things.  You can accomplish your goal when you believe in yourself and act on that belief.  It is you who must decide what you have to do to achieve what you desire.

  7. I don't think that should be a problem. I don't think universities can really discriminate against people with dyslexia.

  8. Yes, just because someone is dyslexic does not mean they are not smart. Albert Einstein was dyslexic!

  9. Yep, they'll take any special needs into consideration - the enterance will probably work like your a-levels with extra time allowed etc.

  10. if they get A's in their A levels, then of course

  11. why not,most dyslexic people have a very high IQ

  12. yes if you get good grades in a level then there is no reason that you should be discriminated against ...also there is quite alot of people with dyslexia and they tend to have a high iq !

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