
Can a employer stop you from using your phone ?

by  |  earlier

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your cell, only for call from doctors or parents or children call you when there home from school




  1. If it's an emergency, then most employers will overlook it.  If it's something that can wait, let it wait.

  2. When we were management( pre cell phone  days) calls of an emergency nature were the only calls allowed for employees . These included school, children, doctor's appointments but no personal outgoing calls. Never had a problem because the people understood and the majority had a work ethic or they were out.

  3. Yes they can.  An employer has the right to ban it's employees for using personal cell phones in the work place.

    If it's an emergency (doctor, children, etc.,), there is no reason why they can't contact you though the business line of the employer.  

  4. no but they want you to spend as least amount of time on the phone, and you must be very quiet.

  5. well thats kinda a stupid rule...but then again much of our lives are "safe-gaurded" by stupid rules that people obey just because "their there"

    kinda like stopping at red lights,  parking in spaces that you are supposed to park in, being polite to others if you use public transit,  stuff like that.

    back to your question sounds like a casual job thing because you are a daycare caretaker---so it would be polite to take your phone call outside just so you don't bother the kids and stuff.

  6. Yes they can.  Try to work something out because they are paying you to work and not chat on the phone.  Too many businesses I go into have there employees talking on there cell phones or sending and recieving text messages.

    Very unprofessional.

  7. I think an employer can prohibit the use of a personal phone at work.  The more I read about employee rights, the more I realize that American workers have very few, unless they're in a union.  

  8. It is possible. If you are using it and not working, then they have a right to tell you not to use it. It also depends on what kind of job you have. Some employers allow it, some don't.

    If you only wish to use it to take medical calls or calls from children, you may wish to ask your employer if this is all right. If not, explain to him why and tell him that you will make it brief. If he refuses, that is his right and you can either deal with it or find a new job.  

  9. Probably not, but they CAN fire you if they feel you are on it too much.

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