
Can a employer tell you that you can not use the restroom ??

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i have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) i use the restroom almost every time i come into work, my employer told me today that this had to stop, that i needed to do this on my time, or at home... is there anything i can do about this?




  1. if you have IBS- it's a medical condition and they can't discriminate for things like that. you might want to discuss the condition with your manager or bring in a doctors note

  2. No, employers have to provide restrooms to their employees. However if you've gotta go like 8 times a day you should provide a doctor's note so nobody thinks you're slacking off.

  3. First you need to be honest with him and tell him that you do have Irritable Bowel syndrome and do  have cramping and a need to use the restrooms more often than otherwise might be necessary.  If you have break time, you should use it then.  Many people are on time clocks and can only go to the restrooms on breaks and lunch and you should do that and try not to go unless necessary.

    Most states employment is "at will" and t hey can fire you at will.  If you have a union, you need to talk to a union rep and  you have great advantages in being a union member as there are grievances and arbitration usually and some protections more than at will employment.  

    This might be called medical reasons and that might get  you some help.  Good luck to you.  This is an iffy situation although it seems only reasonable that they could not fire you.  Yet unless your state has some special protection other than at-will employment,  and if you don't have a union, you could have a problem unless the employer is moe considerate of a medical condition.  Good luck to  you.

  4. He cannot tell you that you cant go to the bathroom. The law requires that  they work around any disabilities you have.

    If he says anything to you again, tell someone above him thats hes harassing you over something you cant help. If they dont give you flexibility to use the bathroom, you could sue them pretty easily. Its definitely against the law to mess with someone over a disability.

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