
Can a family doctor check for STD?

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I am going to the doctor because it kind of hurts when I pee and I think that may be a symptom of an STD. I had oral only once and I might have it or not. I'm going to the doctors with my dad and I am only 14 how should I bring up the issue with my doctor? I was thinking of doing it this way:

I walk in she asks what's wrong I say it hurts when I pee and she will ask me questions. I will ask could it be an STD? I'll say once when I was little I had oral which I did. My dad will most likely be with me I don't know how he'll react but it's better to be embarrassed that to die of an STD. Would my doctor just check by taking blood and or urine samples? What do you suggest?




  1. With you being 14, I don't think that it would be an odd request for your dad not to accompany you, but that is YOUR choice. There are some STDs that cause pain when you urinate, but it could just be a Urinary Tract Infection or a UTI.  Your doctor can ask for a urine sample to perform a UA (Urinary Analysis).  If it is just a UTI you will be put on some antibiotics and sent on your way.  UTIs are not that uncommon. You need to be aware though, that depending on your parents' insurance coverage, in case it is not a UTI, STD testing may or may not be covered.  Depending on the state you live in, there may or may not be laws about your parents knowing your health info.  With you being 14, I think that your dad will be able to know, but don't be scared.  Some STDs are curable, such as Chlamidya.  Definitely bring the issue up with your doctor.  How old were you when you first had oral?  If it was years ago, and you have never had it since, or any other sexual contact, you shouldn't be worried.  It sounds more like a UTI in that case.  I will tell you though, even if you don't tell your parents everything, your Doctor does need to know.  What your doctor doesn't know, could hurt YOU.  Even at your age.   Don't be afraid to talk to your dad about it though.  I am assuming you are male, and your dad was once a teenage boy too.  But you are correct in saying "It's better to be embarrassed than to die of an STD," although there are some that can kill you such as AIDS, one that is just causing burning urination I wouldn't worry about dying from it.  Are there any other symptoms?  Before going to the doctor you can look up on the internet lots of information about STDs.  If you go to you can click on links to find out more information.  I think your best choice would be to click on the link on the right hand side "Personal Health Questions" and from there learn more information about the different types of STDs.  This will help to prepare you for some questions when you talk with your doctor.  As I said, depending on when you had oral and started having symptoms it could just be a UTI.  But be 100% honest with your doctor.

  2. wen u hav had it orally only, thr is no chance of getting STD, rather it could be infection with improper hygiene or various other reasons. So its ok if u cant bring up the topic.

  3. You can ask for your dad not to go in with you, just tell him that you need to do this on your own. Your Dr. will most likely do a urine test. It might just be a UTI aka urinary tract infection. That happens when bacteria gets up in there. Just some pills and your good to go. Don't worry to much and good luck!

  4. yes. He can check for physical symptoms (which many STDS have); he will also take blood tests. he wil have to send them out to get checked, but wil call you with results.

  5. They probably will not ask you a lot of questions at the checkin desk -- just get the "reason for visit" and you tell them there is discomfort when you urinate. This is very common and is often just a run-of-the mill urinary tract infection that a lot of young women get, not necessarily connected to any sort of sexual activity.

    Not sure if in past visits your parents go back with you to speak with the physician. You might want to suggest to your Dad that you are old enough to take care of it and go back without him due to the fact that it involves a personal body function, urination. Most Dads would understand, I think.

    When you are with the doctor, tell him/her the total truth. They can get a urine sample and perhaps will need a blood speciman as well. Although it is embarassing to get an STD, it is better to know your status then to constantly worry. And, in the event that you do not have an STD, you will be greatly relieved!  Good luck to you.

  6. You could ask for a little privacy as well, because you are a little embarrassed about it.

    STIs are usually checked by blood and swab tests, but frequently, they have to be sent away for complete testing. A family doctor can take the samples, however.

  7. YES,

    You can ask  Dr.if you can talk to them alone, you are 14 that is old enough to talk to the Dr. by yourself.

    If there is something he or she needs bto shre with your parents then they will tell you

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