
Can a family doctor put you in a alchohal detox program aginst your will?

by  |  earlier

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really need to know the anwser i got a quack of a doctor who is tring to do it to me




  1. If he thinks your doing harm to your self or the public,then THINK so..not 100%sure

  2. If it's court ordered, if you are incompetent or if you are underage.... yes.  If not, then no worries :)!

  3. Well, he can try, but unless you are an immediate danger to yourself or others, your insurance company is the ultimate determiner.  Normally, it's the cops who put you into alcohol detox and they can only hold you for 72 hours (I believe) without a court hearing.

  4. I think only a judge can do that.

  5. Yup, If he is saying it, I have bad news for you.  There are closed recovery programs---meaning they are either way out in yahoo land 30 miles from no where desert land or they are locked up programs (rare) but in Wa. state their are two such places and one right over the boder in oregon.  Mostly it is the one your insurance will cover.  Don't worry though, if you really like what ever your hooked on it won't help.  You do get tools that will help you mature and understand how to say no and gain perspective from other members about where your life is going.  My daughter liked rehab, all the attention it was better than jail, so she got along.  Atlas the dumbie still thinks she can do alcohol, still smokes, and will quite possibly get a third dui and a second divorce and lose her kids yet again.  Shes just got to have her kinda fun and to h**l with anyone who stands in her way!

  6. Sounds like he's doing you a favor

  7. Yes they can, not to mention, they send you to a mental asylum, for drinking, sorry it's not the answer you want here, but Doctor's, and family have more power then you realize.

  8. Well, I live in the state of Wisconsin.  In this state, and I believe Illinois has similiar law, it takes pshyciatric doctors to commit after a certain number of visits.  For a family practice Dr. to do that in our state, it would require that 3 relatives are putting you in an in-patient program because you are medically endangering yourself.  The rules might be different in your state.

    Is this your primary physician?  Did he see you in an emergency room?  Was this an urgent care/walk-in clinic visit?  Are you consuming alcohol to the point of passing out?  Do you have liver or kidney issues that need to be addressed? Do you drink during the day?

    These are not questions I want to you to tell me, but to answer for yourself.  I know people with a lot of medical problems, and I don't see Doctors going out of their at all.  The fact the Doc is putting special emphasis on it or going out of his way means he might be really concerned.  You need to consider whether or not you really have a problem.


  9. Prob depends on what state you live in.  not familiar with all the different state laws.  I know that in PA they cannot do it against your will.  Unless you are under 18 then your parents could sign you in.

  10. Dont give him a reason to.....

    And NO he cant u have to want to stay there....

  11. Yes and no - it is possible to commit for a certain period of observation, usually 72 hours against your will, if there is a reasonable belief that you intend to cause harm to yourself and/or others.

    On the basis of this, you may be committed for longer.

    But perhaps you need to examine the reasons why your doctor wants to do this.  The 10 most common warning signs of alchoholism are below.  Are you having difficulties with work and family relationships?

    1. Drinking alone

      2. Making excuses, finding excuses to drink

      3. Daily or frequent drinking needed to function

      4. Inability to reduce or stop alcohol intake

      5. Violent episodes associated with drinking

      6. Drinking secretly

      7. Becoming angry when confronted about drinking

      8. Poor eating habits

      9. Failure to care for physical appearance

    10. Trembling in the morning

  12. Technically, no. But he can judge that you're a danger to yourself and put you in protective treatment until the proper legal processes have a chance to be obeyed. That usually starts with a second doctor's opinion and a court petition, and it's pretty routine.  If there is evidence that your alcohol use is detrimental to your functioning, it's almost a slam dunk that the court will agree.

  13. A doctor can suggest it for you own benefit  and also call authorities and suggest that they make you go. I hope this helps you! Also if there is something medically wrong with you if you do not go and the doctors says you need to go as part of your treatment the doctor can refuse to help you any longer as you refused treatment and this is totally legal! So I suggest you go if the doctor thinks your drinking habbits are really harming your body!

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