
Can a fast food restaurant refuse service if they believe the customer is being rude?

by  |  earlier

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I went to Churches Chicken through the drive thru and because I was not ready to order the shift manager started talking crazy. So I started talking crazy back to him and he refused my service.




  1. yes, yes and YES

  2. Employees are told to put up with a certain amount of rudeness from a customer, sometimes they have legitimate complaints about the service, but when a customer is unruly to the degree that it's affecting the other employees and customers they can refuse service, no one has a "right" to service if they are rude to that extent. In your case, they considered that other customers were being delayed unnecessarily, I'm sure you'd be also angry if someone ahead of you was holding up the line.

  3. Yes, any business has the right to refuse service, as long as it is related to one's behavior. A bartender has the right to refuse service to one who appears already intoxicated.(I have done this many times.) As long as your service was refused because of your behavior and not your race, creed, color or gender, the manager was right.

  4. Yes they can refuse to serve you if you disturb other customers.  But if you were only defending yourself, you need to talk to the general manager or owner about the employee, if he started first and then you retaliated.

    I have been to the drive in window of lots of restaurants and when I don't order right away, they say,  "order when ready".  I am sure there may be more involved than the information that was given.  But I think that if you politely say, can I have a minute to decide and then ask a question about an item on the menu, they usually give you a few minutes to decide.

    But this is all done politely not harshly.  If you ask politely for a few more minutes, I think it will not escalate to the senerio you described.  If you were polite and the restaurant worker was disrespectful, then you can report them to the restaurant manager or owner.  Just make sure you don't give them any room to say that you were acting ugly.  

    But you could also apologize to the manager and the owner if you really like the place and want to go back there.  The shift manager needs to apologize to you as well because, customers are always supposed to be treated politely even when they act like a butt hole.

  5. yes

  6. yes.  they are not obliged to serve you, especially if you were being rude, and it sounds like you were.  these are not lowly workers who should suffer your insults because you thought they were "talking crazy." what does that even mean?  did they have an accent and you mocked it?  did they stumble over their words, and so you mocked that?  i think i would have denied you service, too.  you'll get more bees (or fried chicken, i suppose) with honey than you will with vinegar. :)

  7. Well the shift manager was wrong for talking crazy to you that on his/her part was very unprofessional. He/ she should have told you to park and figure out what you wanted, and then come back through when you were ready to order.

  8. businesses can refuse to serve you for any reason except the color of your skin, religious beliefs, etc.

  9. yes they can they own the property and if you are disturbing the other customers or employees they can have you arrested and banned form the place for life .

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