
Can a father get custody of a child if his parents work i law? PLEASE HELP!?

by Guest57319  |  earlier

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My ex is 20 years old. I am 17. Yes, it was consensual. His mother is a Judge and his step dad an Atty. He JUST told his parent s that I am pregnant (Im now 10 weeks). When I got pregnant he broke up with me saying that he doesn’t want to be a dad. Now that his mom knows she was talking to him about fighting for custody. I’ve only met his mom once. She hardly knows me. Everything she knows about me he has said... and of course he’s talking me down to her. I’ve thought about it and the only way they could take my baby when he/she is born is if I am proved to be an unfit mom... right?

I mean.... ever since I found out I was pregnant I stopped with all greasy foods, all spicy foods, eating very healthy. I started on prenatal vitamins as soon I found out and also scheduled a doctor appt. I have Medicaid and so does the baby now. I have WIC and Im going to apply for food stamps. I’ve seen the doctor already, in fact, yesterday was my 3rd visit. Im doing everything I can to make sure that I deliver the healthiest baby I can. Im going to breastfeed, or at least try. I have so many great plans for this baby. Im already saving money for baby supplies such as a crib stroller, everything ill need for the baby. I even have a savings account that Im going to use solely for the baby when it grows up. I have my grandma as support as well as my roommate. They both are sticking in it for the long run. He lives with his mom and step dad still and Ive been on my own since I was 15. I have my GED and have more credits in college than he does. He makes more money than I do but that shouldn’t matter. As long as I can take for of the child alright..... right? In our pasts, we both went through psych evaluations. I was prescribed medication and am now fully treated. His is just recently. He even tried to "kill himself" by running his car into another car. (It didn’t even leave a dent). I have texts from ever since I became pregnant of him saying very mean things to me. Of him saying suicidal things and even threatening to hurt me if I spoke to his family about this. Im very scared. Please help me.




  1. I'm not a lawyer but there are some things that might be enough to base on common sense.

    1.  Depending on the state you live in, even if it's consentual, you were 17 and that is statutory rape.  His mother would have known that and you can use that against him/them.

    2.  Just because they practice law does not automatically make them an expert on family law and does not automatically give them custody.

    They will have to bring their case to a separate judge and based on that content the judge will determine custody.

    So prove to them that you are a fit enough to be a parent.

    Keep everything that you can that would streangthen your case.

    And most importantly, no matter what happens,  always, always do what's right for the baby!

    Good Luck!

  2. Keep those text messages do not erase them.  Have them as proof when you get a restraining order.  The order and the text messages will help you out in custody court.  His parents will know a lot about the law and that will help him, but you have proof that he has violent tendencies and is unfit.  You sound like you are on the right track and have a stable home and support system.  So with that and keep gathering proof against him that he is bad you qwill have a strong case.

  3. Yes, him making more money than you will matter.  If he fights for custody, the judge will give custody to whoever can provide a better home for the child.

    If you are putting money away, that's going to s***w with any govenment aid you get.  Wait until you are off government aid to start saving a ton of money in an account.

    What you need to do is get a lawyer, and get one now.

    But yes, he can get custody if it's proven he can provide a better home.

    Edit: You would also do well to start talking to other teen girls about why premarital s*x is such a bad idea.  You will be going through h**l for the next 18 years, and maybe you can stop another girl from going through 18 years of h**l.

  4. His parents employment has no bearing in a Child Custody case, and they could both be disbarred if they try to interfere with the case. Not likely he will be able to get custody unless it can be proved you are not capable of taking care of the child. He will also get to make Child Support payments for the next 18 years. Keep those "records" from him in case you need them in court.

  5. Quit worrying they won't take your baby away or can't without a reason to.

  6. No, they cannot take your child unless you have been proven to be an unfit mother.  And make sure that you to go Child Support Enforcement as soon as your baby is born so they can collect child support from him.  Sounds like they're a bunch of a$$holes

  7. You guys could get shared custody.    

  8. First of all you need to protect yourself and the welfare of your pregnancy from this obvious unstable person...I would suggest getting a restraining order and show the text messages as proof of the harrassment.  Just because his parents are associated with the legal community does not mean he will automatically get custody.  You are correct in saying that as long as you are providing for the baby appropriately then chances are a judge will not take a baby away from its mother.  Sounds like you are trying to think ahead and doing the best you can with the situation that you have.  Keep your chin up and don't allow him to bring you down, make you scared  or intimidate you....after all he said he did not want to be a dad...Good luck to you  and the baby!!

  9. You need to keep everything that he has said written down. Keep a journal of things that he has said to you, and NEVER retaliate back to him. And always keep your cool. You need to go to the court house and file for custody right away. And in most states, courts will never take the baby away from it's Mother. You would have to be proven to be an extremely unfit person, and it's hard to do that unless he has good solid proof, like you doing something on video. His chances are very slim on getting custody, and more so almost impossible. Don't let him get to you, just ignore him. I'm going through the same thing, only my daughter is 2 1/2 and her biological father just popped up out of nowhere.

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