
Can a father take custody of his/her child if the mother doesn't work?

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I'm reading a book and I'm a bit confused...

Can a father that works and was in the army take custody of the child if the Mother is a housewife and doesn't work (STAYS HOME WITH THE KID).

And would the mother be able to take her son out of the country without permission?




  1. If the court says he can, yes.

  2. The mother cannot take the child out of the country without permission. However a father does not automatically get custody because his wife is a stay-at-home mother. He will have to support both the child and the wife with alimony.

  3. if the court say he can provide and take better care of the children then u then yes!! and if u take ur kids out of the country with out permission that is kiddnapping u will lose ur kids hands down. u can also go to jail for taking them just to get a pas port for kids under 16 u need both parents on the paper work.  

  4. The judge will always look at what is best for the child. Most of the time the Judge may order full custody to the Mother and give Father every Wednesday to visit and every other weekend to see kids. Whom ever makes more money should be prepared to pay the other spouse some money. It could be a clause that you have to pay the other parent $500.00 a month until they find a job, or only for 6months, I am just offering some suggestions.

    You can not take a child to a different state or country with out the other parent agreeing or a court giving the Green light to do so, if you violate this, you can be responsible for kidnapping your own child and may loose custody and be thrown in jail.

  5. This is an issue which the Army (or any other branch of the military) does not involves itself with, custody matter can only be resolved in civilian courts.  Generally, a mother who is unemployed is not considered to be unfit solely for that reason alone, however the court may require this mother to demonstrate how she intends to provide for her children should she be granted custody of her minor children.

    In the event she is awarded sole and permanent custody then she does not require anybodies permission in order to take her children out of the country.  However if it decided that both parents share joint custody you will have to have the permission of your former spouse to take the children out of the country or out of the state for that matter.

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