
Can a father with blue eyes and a mother with brown eyes give birth to a child with green eyes?Biology anyone?

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Can a father with blue eyes and a mother with brown eyes give birth to a child with green eyes?Biology anyone?




  1. Yes, but only if at least one of the parents of the mother OR the father has green eyes. Because there are hidden traits which can skip one generation. But no traits can skip more than one generation so unless at least one grandparent has green eyes, the child can not have green eyes.

  2. only if either the mother or father has a gene for green eyes then yea its a possibity if neither have the gene than the child will not have green eyes

  3. eye colour can be determined by genetic code but also by dominant and recessive genes  for example each parent will have a dominant and a recessive gene.

  4. There are two genes for the basic color of eyes known so far. The third gene colors the iris near the pupil darker than the perimeter.

    Eye color genes are called

    EYCL1, green/blue eye color.

    EYCL2 that colors the iris center darker - Central brown.

    EYCL3 brown/blue

    Brown coloration is dominant to both others so if the mother was EYC3 brown + EYC1 green her phenotype is just brown but 50% of her children receive the green allele.

    The green allele is dominant to either blue allele.

    Dominance order

    EYCL3 brown >EYCL1 green >EYCL3 blue = EYCL1 blue

    This means the chances of a green eyed child are 50% IF the mother carries the recessive allele for green iris coloration. However she could just as easily carry blue and still have the same phenotype.

    For the father to be blue eyed both EYCL 1 & 2 must be the blue alleles so  whatever the mother carries will determine the child's eye color phenotype.

    Interactive site lets you plug in parental alleles to see the offspring's eye color percentages

  5. Okay, eye color is not based on genes; eye color is based on the amount of pigments the genes have.

    Blue eyes means that there is very little melanin (pigments) in the eye, brown means that there is a lot of melanin in the eye, and green and hazel (as well as shades of dark blue and light brown) are somewhere in between.

    So, yeah, it's very likely that a parent with brown eyes and a parent with blue eyes will have a child with green, because it's in between the two pigments for the mother and the father.

    Eye color is extremely hard to determine though, because there are several genes that determine eye color, and it is difficult to tell what gene you have. It's not like your genes say 'blue,' 'brown,' or 'green.' One gene might just have a lot of pigment, while the second has very little, but the third and fourth genes you have also have a lot of pigment. And then it would all depend on how these pigments mesh to give you your eye color. Again, there aren't many guarantees when it comes to this!

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