
Can a federal felon vote in a presidential election?

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Can a federal felon vote in a presidential election?




  1. No felon is allowed to vote in any election, nor should they be allowed to vote. If the can't obey the law then the lose all rights to  having a say in government.

  2. no, T.I cannot vote.

  3. No, I believe that was one of the rights revoked when convicted of the felony.  but my ex husband was once convicted of a felony and after probation, he did no jail or prison time, he applied to have the rights returned, as he is an avid hunter and did get his rights back.  He was convicted of obstruction of justice.  They came to his home to arrest someone there on a drug charge and he would not let them in, so they had to come back with a search warrant and arrested him too.

  4. No. However, some states restore voting rights to ex-felons if they stay out of trouble for a number of years and they can vote.

  5. No they can not, nor can they ever legally own fire arms.

  6. Steve,

    Some states allow felons serving time to vote. Many other allow them to vote while on parole or after some period of time.

    The controversy is that many black men are not allowed to vote because of felony convictions. This makes sense. We imprison them, thus taking away their right to freedom so why not their right to vote. It is believed that southern states made crimes likely to be committed by blacks felonies after the slaves were freed. The 14th Amendment was cited by the Supreme Court when the upheld laws restricting voting by felons. Ironically, the 14th Amendment was supposed to give blacks voting rights.

    My opinion is that a law like this is more appropriate to deter crime than the death penalty. If a mistake was made the person would be allowed to vote in the future, but a dead persons life cannot be returned. Also, the right should never be returned. If you care about voting and your country, don't commit a felony.

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