
Can a felon who has been granted clemency by the state of Maine adopt a child?

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This person stole a pack of cigarettes from an unlocked car when they were a drunken teenager over 10 years ago, so don't be so harsh.

Their judge was best friends with the victim thus the very tough penalty.




  1. most likly not if they have a any type of crminal record

  2. I would hope that they would see that this was a long time ago and people do change, this is not something that would stop you from being a good parent, but as for your question I am sure they will see it but not sure what they will say just don't lie about it let them know. Good Luck God Bless!

  3. OMG NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!

  4. if he's a convicted felon i wouldn't THINK they would let him adopt......they are very particular about adoptions

    i adopted 6 years ago..... in indiana

    call local adoption attorneys in your area they could tell you more

  5. If indeed those are the facts of the case, then that would not in and of itself prevent a person from being approved.

    Of course, all the factors have to be looked at as a whole.  Felonies which are against a person, such as assault, rape, etc., do prevent someone from adopting (of course).  As do patterns of misdemeanors or legally "lesser" offenses, such as multiple DUI's.

    I hope that helps!

  6. no im sorry

  7. I don't think they would exclude him from adoption purely based on that one crime.  If the rest of the background check and references were positive, I think they would look at the circumstances and the time passed since then.  I'm sure it will be a little bit tougher to complete the homestudy and I'm sure they'll really have to prove themself as an outstanding citizen, but I doubt that one little incident would prevent them from being able to adopt.

  8. You would be surprised how many "felons" are not bad people.  Goes the same for "s*x offenders".  You can be on the s*x offenders list and never even talked to a minor sexually.  I am not a lawyer (thank God) so I can't answer your question.

  9. Totally possible and highly likely.

    I know of several people who have adopted domestically and internationally who had blemishes on their police record.  Blemishes, meaning misdemeanors like stealing a pack of cigarettes.  Other very specific cases I personally know of who were approved, even though they had police records, were misdemeanors for a stolen tie, unpaid parking tickets (which lead to arrest), public drunkeness (the 'ol college years),  things like that.

    Things that would be a huge no no would be for someone convicted of a crime against families or children such as non support or abuse.

    FWIW, stealing a pack of cigarettes is a misdemeanor.  If this person has a felony on their record they are dealing with a much larger crime.  There is either more to the story or he is not actually a "felon".  That would be an important detail to clear up.

  10. that would depend on the agency or the state office handling adoptions.  one wont know until one tries.


  11. OH MY GOD you all missed the fact he was granted clemency. Which means OOOPS we the state of maine ****** up and you didn't do it.

    In other words he is not a felon he is a person in which never commited that crime, according to the state, or they thoguht the penalty given was to serve and said well to even this out will say it never happened. Does he have to answer yes on application? Ask a lawyer.

  12. I certainly hope not.

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