
Can a female dwarf rabbit live with a neutred male normal rabbit?

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I have a normal size white rabbit (male) I found a year ago so not sure of age, he isnt natured but will be soon.

Can I buy any female baby rabbit and put it in there or no?




  1. It is not really a good idea to put a baby rabbit in with a mature one, no matter what the s*x. If you are really intent on getting a second rabbit then get a second hutch. Put them together where the rabbits can see each other and let them get used to each other. After time maybe let them out in the garden together with a view to maybe keeping them together.

  2. Hmm, it can be done but isn't recommended.

    First off, you still need to wait 8 weeks for the male to supress all his hormones, even after neutering.

    After that, It can work. The problem is that yes, they may not have babies, but the female, unspayed, will still have those 'aggression' hormones in her and will therefore, be aggressive towards the male. In turn the male will then get annoyed by this.

    I strongly recommend just getting your male neutered, and then don't BUY a rabbit but adopt from a shelter.

    Shelter rabbits are usually fixed already, so while a pet shop bunny might cost £40 and be unspayed, a rescue bunny might be £25, spayed and have all her vaccs.

    Another advantage of rescuing is that you could get an older rabbit, say a year or so old. This means her personality will be more developed and you don't need to worry about her going through the 'teens' and changing. Also, you can take your current bunny along for a 'date' and pick a rabbit that might get on with your current one better. So you will spend less time trying to bond them etc.

    Plus you get that warm fuzzy feeling from getting a rescue bunny, and are not funding all those nasty breeding houses that just interbreed all their siblings to make profit. You are making a difference :)

    Good luck.

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