
Can a female khaki campbell and a male mallard live together?

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im getting new ducks and i was told that ducks need a mate to survive is this true?




  1. Yes, a Hen/Female Khaki Campbell and a Drake/Male Mallard can live together. They can also produce offspring as well. So If you do NOT want babies I recommend getting 2 females or 2 males. If you get them at a young age they shouldnt fight for dominance. But thats normal.

    Ducks do NOT need a mate to survive. They are much happier and social with other animals but can do without. They are more attached to you and are not leaving you alone but with anither duck they seem to be more content.

    GoodLuck, Ducks are wonderful


  2. no this is not true but you CANNOT just have one duck on it's own unless you want it be miserable and pine away...

    so to answer your question yes they can live together and they will possibily breed

    but wouldn't it be better to get a few ducks of the same breed?

    eg just the khaiki campbells (say 5 females and one male)

    but nothing wrong with the way you have it planned.

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