
Can a female pron star be a committed feminist and be accepted by the grass-roots feminist movement?

by  |  earlier

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pron = p**n star





  1. You've got to be talking about Jenny McCarthy.  The answer is no.  No matter how intelligent she may come off a true feminist would never consider the most base act of human kind to be the job/action/career that a woman should strive for.  Therefore her attempt to obtain credibility will fall short.

  2. I'm not really a feminist, but I would say no to that question. The majority of p**n is degrading to women so how could a woman participate in that and also be a dedicated feminist? It doesn't make any sense.

  3. What is the point of this question?  Do you consider a male p**n star to be a great advocate for our rights?  I don't think that is a proud career to begin with.

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