
Can a ferret swim???

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we are getting a 8 foot pool and we have a ferret we don't want to put her in and find out so can you tell me?




  1. Every animal can swim.  The question is, can they swim well?  Ferrets are smart, if she doesn't feel like swimming she won't jump in.

  2. only one way to find out! throw her in and see if she sinks or swims!

  3. yea

  4. This is what I found:

    Most ferrets are natural swimmers. They tuck their front paws under their chin, poke their nose out of the water, and paddle with their hind feet, using their tail as a rudder. They seem to glide through the water effortlessly, but swimming is hard work for a ferret, and they don’t really enjoy this exercise. Ferrets can become quickly exhausted and drown, or become weak and get sucked into a skimmer. There some ferrets  who are not instinctive swimmers and thrash about in a panic and go under.

    I have also noticed that my ferrets don’t swim "smart." When they fall in, they start swimming in whatever direction they were pointing, even if that is the longest distance to the other side of the pool. Perhaps this is because ferret have poor vision. Only one of my ferrets (Misty) can pull herself out of the pool on her own; the rest will continue to paddle until they are fished out, or find something to climb out on.

    I have a lot of ferrets and people always ask me if they can swim.  From personal knowledge, it is not something they really like to do.  I have free roam ferrets and when we shower, they are allowed and encouraged to join us.  I have 2 that really enjoy water and will come in  the shower and get under the stream and really get wet but most don't want to be forced to get wet but if given time, come in and give it a try.   Most of my ferrets enjoy the shower but prefer to stay on the outside of the main stream and just get misted.  Sometimes I get 4 at a time who will get in and really take a wet shower and then get out and really play hard.  I have a pan in the shower that is about 3 inches deep where they can get in or just play with the water at all times.  I have yet to see anyone actually get in the pan and swim around.  All they like to do is dig in it and play while they are standing on the edge.  

    One thing to remember, Ferrets are uncomfortable in temperatures over 80 degrees F (27°C), and can experience severe heat-related medical problems if the weather is over 90°F. If it is warm enough for you to take a swim, this may be too warm for your ferret.  And of course, the chemicals in the pool are not healthy for your ferret.  


  5. that is a very good question.

    i have no idea.........

  6. YES but dont do it they can swallow the pool water and get sick and die.

  7. They can swim, mine actually enjoy playing in water and get water play at least once a month and they'll swim around the bath tub (they look like a little sea otter when they do). I don't know if I'd toss them in an 8 foot deep pool though, I'd worry that they'd get tired of swimming and then drown. I also wouldn't want to put them in a pool full of chemicals. If you want to let your ferret swim, fill your bath tub about 1/2 to 2/3 full and let them swim in there (but don't leave them alone!). The tub is a lot smaller and a much safer option.

  8. yes they can swim. mine used to swim around in their baths.

  9. yea ferrets can swim
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