
Can a fifteen year old get emancipated in Illinois?

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I'm currently fifteen years old, and for a few reasons I am looking to become emancipated. I live in Illinois but I'm not sure how old I have to be to be emancipated.

I'm applying for a job and already have a place to stay.




  1. im not sure, but i would bet not.  you arent even old enought to have a drivers liscense.

  2. even tho the law says that you might need to be at least 16 years old that does not mean that you still can't try.  

    What you need to do is start planning.. By getting a job and a bank account and looking into places that you can live. NOT at a friends house OR with a boyfriend.  A judge will not look good at those things..

    Stay in school with decent grades, showing the judge that you can do that and may want to continue on to college

    You can't go in front of a judge and say   "im gonna do this or Im gonna do that" what you need to do is go in front of him and say "Ive

    DONE this and I've DONE that ."  that will show him that even at 15/16 you can be an adult..

    Good luck and if you really want to do this that I would not give up until you get  it..

  3. You probably won't like this, but I'm trying to help:

    Please note the following:

    "No order of complete or partial emancipation may be entered under this Act if there is any objection by the minor, his parents or guardian."

    So it kind of sounds like parental or legal guardian consent is required in Illinois when petitioning the court for early emancipation rights.

  4. Well...first your parents would have to agree and then you would have to prove to a judge that you can take care of yourself.

  5. A "mature minor" is defined as someone who is at least 16 years of age but under 18.

  6. Usually you have to be 16...;...

    Keep researching though. Illinois my not have emancipation at all. There is a chance that you could be sent to Child Services.

    Ask this in Law & Ethics, they will help.


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