
Can a fight with your parents trigger dysphoric mania?

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Lets say for 5 month you are manic, but that good manic... With the good "top of the world" feelings.

Lets say you are slowly taking in anger and BS from your family during these 5 months, but are too "high" to give a d**n.

Then it gets to the point where you family is basically in your face, and you burst out with all that bottled up anger.

Is there a chance your euphoric mania change into dysphoric mania?

The top of the world feeling changes to "p**s me off and you'll be sorry....ok you've pissed me off" attitude.

Is this possible?




  1. Yes and No.  Your euphoric mania that you have been enjoying for five months have been a living h**l for your parents for that very same five months.  Did you consider that?  The reason it may turn into dysphoric mania is because U are propelling into the manic state from the hypo manic and it is only a matter of time before you become psychotic.  I just lived that with my son.  He enjoyed himself since July 1st and when he took his meds, he fought them  until he had a migrane headache and required hospitalization.  He had a confrontation with his father and HE called the cops.   When the cops came here, they took HIM away.  He tried to escape TWICE from the mental insitutition of the NCMC and twice helicopters and dogs had to seek him out and bring him back.  Once he got back, he shaved his head balder than Britney Spears and talks of how he will rule the world.  He is grandiose and he is going to buy three stores and put EB Games out of business.  He bought more c**p than can fit in this house and most of the stuff he bought is outside in the rain getting ruined.  I tried to put his things away, but I did it the last time only for him to come out of the Hospital and go back to his old ways.  The triggers are Sleep.  He slept in the bathtub the last night and he is running all over the place with racing thoughts and ideaology of greatness.  I hope I somewhat explained to you the OTHER side of the coin, that of your parents.  We love our kids and only want what is best for them but you obviously was doing what my son was and I believe your parents love you and dont want you to get hurt either.

    I hope I answered your question.  Good luck to you.  I wish you the very best life can offer you.

  2. yes.

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