
Can a for profit corp give all annual profit away to legally reg'd non profits in order to not pay taxes?

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Another way to ask this question might be, is there a maximum amount of tax deductible donations that a corporation can make?




  1. No you cannot get a deduction for all of your profits if you give them away.  A corporation is limited to deducting 10% of its taxable income as contributions.  If it donates more than that, it carries over to the future, for up to five years.

  2. Do you mean the 1120 Corporate Income tax? There are lots of ways (even better than giving the profits away) of spending the profit on business improvements and expansion. See a good accountant.

    If you mean the 941 taxes, there is no way to legally avoid them.

  3. Bob F. is correct in regards to a C corporation.   If the entity is an S corporation, charitable contributions are not deductible at all.  Rather, S corporation contributions are separately stated items which are taken as itemized deductions (and subject to the appropriate AGI limitations) on the shareholder's 1040.

  4. Are you talking about an S Corporation?

    The answer is different if you are.

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