
Can a foreigner obtain investment immigration by going to the U.S. Embassy in their country?

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I have a friend from China who wants to obtain a green card to the United States through investment immigration. Can he go to the U.S. Embassy in China to handle this matter? Will the U.S. Embassy there allow him into the embassy for that?




  1. Yes but they must have a lot of money and be h igh up in the corp business. I read the rules once i think it was more than 1 mil or something very hgh and that is in USD.

  2. why would a Chinese  business man  with  tons of money  would want to got o America  for a green card ???????  to work ???   very doubtful  for legitimate purpose  he can try   sending  mail and get an invitatation   because of 9-11  security is very tight   even us  US Citizens  have to go through many security checks  and only allowed in the general  american citizens  offices on certain days of the week

  3. If I were your friend, I would contact an investment banker (with international business major) who could answer his questions regarding investment in the U.S.

    Any questions regarding obtaining green card to the U.S., your friend could inquire directly with the INS.

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