
Can a foreigner who hasn't graduated high school come to Ireland as a tourist and take the Leaving Cert tests?

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I am an American who wants to move to the Republic of Ireland now, but has not graduated high school. How would I go about getting ready to apply to college once I got there? Could I not take the tests with just a tourist visa? Would I have to have a student visa? Can I get a student visa if I'm not a college student, or is it just for foreign college students? Is it even possible for foreigners who were never schooled in Ireland to get a leaving certificate?




  1. OK look at it like this people from US move to Ireland on a regular basis and they have kids of all ages who have to fit into grades at school in Ireland according to their age. So age is the trick,So if you were say 18 I don't think you could go to a regular hi school in Ireland and prepare for leaving certs, Best thing there is to get GED and go from there, Do you have some connections with Ireland or why would you want to go to school in Ireland

  2. I think you should wait until you have finished school, then apply to go to college in Ireland.  They do take international students, and they would take into account whatever high school qualifications you have.  I think it would be much too difficult for you to come over to Ireland and do the leaving cert, as it's a 2-year course.

  3. forigners who haven't taken the 5th and 6th year cycle in an irish secondary  school would propably not be allowed take the leaving certificate exams as the cirriculum is fixed in every school and you would find them extremely difficult,even for people who have done the  course it is a ,lot of hard  work.

    i'm sure colleges would take the qualifications you get over in america

    Good Luck =]

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