
Can a fracture go undetected even after an x-ray?

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Can a fracture go undetected even after an x-ray?




  1. Yes, but only if it is a very very mild fracture

  2. As someone who this did happen to- Yes.

    X-rays have to be read and examined by technicians and doctors.

    These people are human...they make mistakes.

    If the fracture is slight enough, it could go undetected many times.

  3. yes but as a general rule it is a hairline fracture,not to say there isn't pain but it can happen

  4. yes iv had it happen i went in got any xray and i went two weeks with a fractured wrist before i went back and sure enough... there it was

  5. Yes it can. Radiologists can miss a hairline fracture , or even a more obvious one, sometimes. Stress fractures are easy to miss and may require a bone scan for detection.  

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