
Can a fridge really protect you from a nuclear blast?

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If any of you have seen the Indy 4 movie, you'd know what I'm talking about.




  1. uhm...IT'S A FREAKIN MOVIE(whiched sucked cause Shia was in it). that would never protect you from the radiation.

    think of it this way: you'd end up like the people in Haroshima

  2. I think the theory was that the lead lining would protect him from the nuclear blast. Maybe it would.

    But he would NOT have survived the multiple impacts that succeeded the blast! He'd have been Indiana Jelly-bones.

  3. The key word to your inquiry is "movie".

    What do you think?

  4. No, that was one of the DUMBEST bull c**p things I've seen.

    Can you imagine the damage he took while that fridge was flying through the air and bouncing on the ground? Think airplane crash, then tell me if it could happen.

    That movie was so bad, I am embarrassed for all involved.

  5. today's fridges are all plastic and foam... they would do nothing to protect you from the radiation of the initial blast or the blast itself, but if you were to close the door and live in it (assuming it was not destroyed) and knowing of course, you would run out of air and die ;) it would protect you from the fallout radiation for a while.

    Worst case, besides total destruction, it would melt and form a molten plastic coffin that would shrink around your body preserving it very well for future anthropologists :)

  6. No ,not at all.

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