
Can a friend still register to vote?

by  |  earlier

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Silly question, i know, but one which I don't know how to answer.

Until recently my best friend had decided to forgo voting in these elections because she was unimpressed with either of the candidates. Now that Palin is in, she'd like to vote. Can she?




  1. Depends on state, but you typically have 30 days to register before the election. She has to have lived in the state for at least 30 days prior to registering too.

  2. Sure he/she can. Most states you can download and print the application. Just fill it out and find your where your local election office is. It is that simple.

    Just a word of caution though. While I am for McCain/Palin and believe they are the best choice overall without a doubt. Conservatism is what our country is founded on.

    You already understand that you can run your life better than what the government can. The governments role is to protect the constitution provide infrastructure and protect our borders.

    The democrats believe you are to stupid to run your own life and that is why they want all these social programs so that you become dependent on them.

    This allows them to take more of your hard earned $$$ to give to the guy with a bad combover who decided to be an alcoholic and not work instead. This called re-dirtibution of the wealth.

    I see you stated in your question

    "Now that Palin is in, she'd like to vote."

    We need all the votes we can get but if your friends only motivation is because Gov. Palin is a woman or because of her outstanding speech last night then I implore you to get your friend to understand why she wants to vote.

    What makes someone choose one candidate over the other?

    What are her moral beliefs?

    Does she understand the core differences between the parties?

    Does he/she believe that via our Constitution we have the right to persue happiness or do  they think we have a right to it?

    Key word here is pursue.

    I hope you do not feel I am insulting your inteligence or anything but there is nothing better in life than to make informed decisions based on your own research and facts, not just talking heads,news pundits, peer pressure or because someones speech made your adrenilain flow.

    Doing this will result in alot less mistakes through out your entire life.

    Hope that helps.


  3. You can go to the Board of Election Commissioners (or whatever similar name it goes by) and register to vote there now, or later.  Here in Mo, you can register the DAY of the election.  So your friend has plenty of time.

  4. In most states, you need to register 30 days (or more) prior to the election.

    Check here for your state's info:

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