
Can a general doctor prescribe me phentermine??

by  |  earlier

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Or do I have to go to a special doctor?




  1. So far as I know (but I do live in OZ) your family doctor should be able to prescribe diet tabs.  If he thinks they are unneccassary he may be difficult about it, or he may send you to a dietician if he thinks you would do better on a diet, but yes he can prescribe them.

  2. i think so as long as u meet the requirements for it. my ob gave me only 1 mth after having my second child and would not give me anymore. when i went for my check-up to my regular pcp, i had asked him but he told me i couldn't take that AND my adder-all together. I had to choose one or the other. so, yeah, i think a primary care physician can prescribe them. good luck

  3. Yes, your doctor should be able to provide you with a prescription for phentermine, it is possible he'll have you see a dietitian too.  I was on phentermine for a year until the end of March.  I had ordered from an online pharmacy, it worked just as well, I had ordered there because for some reason my doctor wouldn't prescribe it even though I was over 300lbs being 6'4."  If you get turned down, I suggest you try the same thing

  4. Mine did.I started with Meridia and lost about 20 pounds in 2 months and when they raised my dose, it seemed like my body was used to it and didn't seem to work anymore. So I asked for phentermine.It took about 3 dr.'s later, but I finally got it.She is a family doc.She would only give me 3 months though. I am on my 2nd month and it looks like my body has once again become too used to it? But your answer is yes and I wish you the best : )

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