
Can a giant sequoia tree grow in the state of Kentucky?

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I've always been fascinated by the giant sequoias of northen california and I'd like to try growing one near my parents house in western Kentucky. Is this possible?

They own some wooded property that has a good stream running through it, which sounds to me to be about all a giant sequoia needs, but I'm no arborist.

Anyone out there know the answer?




  1. it would grow but they might not be hardy in kentucky, it most likely gets alot colder in kentucky then in california

  2. There is so much to growing a tree, like PH value of soil, the right air moisture throughout the year and the right moisture for the root system, the right temperature range.

    The tree might grow for 10 years and suddenly die, because of stress, disease and so on.

    I am sure you could plant a nice solid oak or something very native to the area with a lot more sucess  

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