
Can a girl die from being physically abused so much by her dad?

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  1. yea i herd of that and they actually could.

  2. email me a i am so calling the cops where do you live

  3. yes there is a chance anybody can die from being physically abused, but it depends on how often the abuse is and how intense it is. if her dad is bashing her head against the wall and stuff like that yah she cud die compared to if he's jus hitting her with a belt...anyway whoever this is needs to get in contact with the police and let them know. no one deserves to be abused

  4. Yes, but I got beat all the time, and believe it or not, it worked. Whenever I did something wrong (I made dumb decisions) my dad let me know by a royal butt woopin.  

  5. How bad is the abuse?

  6. Yes, it is possible.  With whom ever it is needs to seek help, ASAP, before it is too late!  The person who is being abused needs to let a school guidance counselor, or a trusted teacher, a pastor, or someone in law enforcement know what is going on.  They will give help and guidance on what to do. Possibly go to a safe haven home or domestic violence shelter.  The father needs help, too.  

  7. If it has been beating after beating or sexual abuse call home services now and if there not home call 911 and report the SOB !! We will be thinking of you:)

  8. absolutely!

  9. That would depend on a lot of things but even if the person who is being abused in any way should tell and try to go some place where they can't be hurt any more. nobody should have to be abused by any one.  please try to get away, whoever is being hurt.  You might later find out that you become afraid of a lot of things.

                    J J

  10. Hey Mate, Yeah they can and it can lead to alot worse things as in like psychotic (mental) health problems msn me when your on yeah :) im here 4 ya if you wanna tlk and remember im british i have a good accent hahaha so yeah offline me if im not on yeha (Y)

  11. It is, either directly (the beating per se) or indirectly (i.e. what she may do in such conditions, either willingly or not). Actually, there is MORE THAN A CHANCE. She should seek help IMMEDIATELY.

  12. Yes, there is a chance.

    If you know of someone being abused, call someone. You can function without friendship, but you can't exactly function without your life, so if it's a friend, you really need to call, even if you think they might get mad.

  13. Yes, in extreme severe cases such abuses can lead to death.

  14. Can a person die from being beaten by their dad?


  15. Call someone or get counseling.  You already knew the answer to this question before you asked it.  No father should be physically abusing his daughter.

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