
Can a girl give herself a miscarriage, if so how then....?

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so my girlfriend lied so many times. said she was pregnant a couple times and had abortions

then she said i got her pregnant, but that was a lie but turnes out now she really is, and never had an abortion so now she wants to keep it.. but for the first month she was tryin to have a miscarriage she said she was hittin her self but can that work

well anyways i might be not easy to understand but we dont want it so how can she not have it- you no not make it to birth..shes 3 months or so i guess




  1. What an idiot!

  2. Why would anyone try to make them self have a miscarriage when they could just go to the doctor and get abortion.

  3. Stop having s*x if you dont want kids how hard is that for people to understand. s*x is for getting someone pregnant thats the whole idea behind s*x. No theres no way you can make her miscarry grow up and take care of your responsibility. Take her to a doctor and find out how far along she is and how the baby is doing.  

  4. Don't have s*x and this s*** wont happen you idiot.  

    Grow up and take care of your responsibilities.

  5. IM a single mother, and i didnt want my baby when i found out i was pregnant. but i made the mistake of having s*x and i have to live with my mistake, whether i like it or not.It wasnt up to me to throw away someone elses life because i made a mistake with my own. It was the best decision i ever made, she is now a beautiful, very well behaved, and VERY smart 4 month old.

    And no she cant give herself a miscarriage at this far aong, h**l i was on rollercoasters at that stage. If she trys it after 4 months it could mean her life aswell, very dangerous and idiotic thing to do!

  6. and they allow YOUR SORT to breed. its wrong.......

  7. If I knew I still  wouldn't tell you how. What a terrible thing to do! If you don't want a baby don't have s*x.

  8. Do the world a favour and stop having s*x NOW!!!

  9. Tell her to grow up. It was her decision to have unprotected s*x, and so now she has to deal with the consequences. She should have to suffer for the pregnancy, and then give it up for adoption. Trying to have a miscarriage is wrong. There are so many people that have miscarriages when they want kids, and it kills me to hear that she is trying to kill it herself. If she gives it up for adoption, you would be helping someone who really wants kids, but isn't able.  

  10. s*x is what it takes to get pregnant.  If you don't want a baby don't have s*x.  Simple as that.  There is nothing that can prevent pregnancy %100 except not having s*x.  Maybe you should try it.

  11. i think you need to dump her you don't need a girl like that she is a compulsive lire

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