
Can a glider pull a full backflip?

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and how many g's will it pull?




  1. Not only can some gliders do loops, but you would be amazed at the aerobatics that gliders can perform.  There are competition categories and lists of aerobatic sequences specifically for gliders.  If you are really interested in glider aerobatics, check out:

    There may even be a club in your area with people who fly aerobatics in gliders.

    In a loop, the maximum G's are usually peak at 4-5 and at the top,  somewhere around 0.5 G's.    In competition, the idea is to make the loop 'round' so the number of g's depends on how much wind you are fighting to make the loop look round to the judges on the ground.

  2. Any fixed wing aircraft can do a loop if you know what you're doing. Competition sailplanes are stressed for at least six positive and three negative Gs. That's more than most airplanes.

  3. Airplanes don't do 'backflips', but it could be possible for some gliders to do a maneuver called a 'Loop.'   The G forces would depend on the aircraft, and how tight the loop maneuver is performed.

  4. Yes gliders can do loops. The G's will be positive all the way and I would roughly guess anywhere between 0.5-3 g's. The point at which they are highest is just before leveling off, at the bottom of the arc.

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