
Can a godmother legally disown a goddaughter?

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are there any legal consequences? like, for example, if a parent disowns a child, the child no longer can inherit things when the parent dies and they basically don't have a family anymore.

is there anything like that for a godmother? or is it just kind of a "you're not my goddaughter anymore, i'm not speaking to you" sort of thing but nothing really legal...


thank you!!!!




  1. a God mother is to be there to guide you through your religion and to support you if your parents die they step up an take you in other than that yes its just like not talking no more there isn't anything the legal system can do its was done by the church and the faith of your religion so your church will just look down on her, hope this helped.

  2. A godparent legally has no relationship to the godchild so no one would get in trouble.  A godparent is chosen by the child's parents to be someone to help guide the child down the "right" religious path.  There is nothing legal in that relationship.

  3. Being a godmother should not involve any legal obligation. It is primarily intended that godparents should assist the bringing-up of the child in Christian ways.

      If you wish to disown your godchild for whatever reason, it means that you are ready to break the pledge you gave at the baptism.

      If I were you, I should speak to the parents in the presence of the godchild and make it clear what has driven you to this very serious step. You should be prepared for the parents to be very defensive and they may take your action as being an attack on them. Noone likes to admit to being a poor parent. It seems obvious to me that you have been driven to this over a period of tme and that you can no longer tolerate the behaviour and attitude of your godchild.

      What you are about to do will require a great deal of moral courage, something that most people lack. However, if your limits have been reached, I should go ahead but not just to say "I'm no longer speaking to you."  Make it clear that you wish to have no dealings of any sort with her.

      Before all that, make sure that you cannot forgive her, whatever she has done.

      God bless you.

  4. God parents are there in case of the death of the parents and tend to give b-day and holiday gifts but there is no way to force them to do any thing

  5. A godmother is there to guide and help their godchild when the parents aren't able to. It is the godmother who step in as the mother when the parents can't or even as additional help. There is no legal binding, just a binding through Christ.  Relinquishing the duties as godmother has no legal consequences but giving up a chance to make a difference in a young person's life is enough consequences to last a lifetime.

  6. No!

  7. well if the godparent disowns the child, if the parents die, they wouldn't become the new guardians.

    help please;...

  8. A godmother has no legal relationship with the child, only a spiritual one, so the disinheriting is strictly spiritual, not legal.

    If this is a godmother whom the parents chose to care for a child in the event of their demise, then it is really more the parents' problem if a godmother declines the job for whatever reason before the child is grown.

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