
Can a guy be shy but only to you..?

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i mean this rarely talked to me..but would always stare at me..and then he would talk to everyone else..but to me he would only talk when he was trying to make some little joke..i dont get it? i mean he has a lot of girl and guy friends but why wont he talk to me??




  1. Only if he was fat as a child.  

  2. Well h**l ya a guy can be shy.  I was always shy when i was younger but now that  i have got older i am a lot more outgoing.  He may not like like you,  but if he stares at you and stuff i would say he does.  He is probably just afraid to make the first move.  I was like that.  It is a mans job to act out and make the first move but in some cases it don't alwasy work.  Just sit down and talk to him the more comfortable he gets and feels he will show you how he feels eventually, you can tell.  Good Luck!

  3. He's probably intimidated by you or attracted to you.  Regardless, something about you makes him nervous.

    You should try starting the conversation and reaching out, see what happens. (=

  4. He can't be really a shy guy if he has no problem talking to so many other people and has so many other friends.. so go up to him and ask him.. he cracks jokes with you.. so I don't believe that is the behaviour of a typically shy guy at all.. I would go to him and just say ''Hi'' and try a casual conversation with him.. he is not shy..  otherwise he would be that way with other people. this is atypical for a really shy guy.. and to have a lot of girl and guy friends is also atypical for really reserved and shy something doesn't add up.. find out.. talk to him.. see if he can hold a normal casual conversation with you instead of playing the clown around you... if he does that it could be that he either likes you and he behaves life a fool in love around you.. and the others he can act normally around as they are just pals and he feels at ease.. Maybe he got a crush and is embarrassed and tries to camouflage that with cracking little jokes.. t hat is the first possibility.. or he is trying to make fun of you.. it depends if his jokes are amusing or just stupid.. maybe he is lovestruck.. or his brain gave out on him.. I guess he could be in love.. infatuation I mean.. phyiscally attracted and not really mature enough to deal with it in the proper way.. and rather play the court jester..  the 'I am your fool of love'' so if you like the guy.. put him at his ease.. have a casual chat with him.. you talk to him first about just anything.. nothing imporant.. then if he has got half a sense he will talk in a normal way to you and he then will lose his inhibitions.. which he only has because he got a crush on you. he is not shy around other folks.. so not a typical shy guy.. xx

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