
Can a guy get snookered playing pocket pool???

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Can a guy get snookered playing pocket pool???




  1. This is great! LOL. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say... if you're playing with three balls... sure.

    You should also ask this in the "jokes" section. You'll get more reaction.

    Have a star and a great day. Ha-ha.

  2. I assume that you mean pocket billiards...

    The answer in any case is Yes.

    In pocket billiards a snooker is commonly called a "hook" or a "leave"...

    Of course I suppose a leave could be considered a snooker in any event.

  3. why not? lol

  4. sure if your mom walks in your shot sure to be blocked

  5. Depends entirely on the position and grip of the bridge!

  6. Uh thats when you dont have a shot right?

    Snicker would be more like it

  7. In your case Snickers maybe

    Expert how tall are you???

    I think that one went right over your head

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