
Can a guy wear this ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. ummm if you really wanted to

  2. Not in public o.O

  3. I guese you can but I wouldn't recomend it. I just hope you'r brave.

  4. noooooooooooo

  5. umm no.. i mean u culd its not like its against the law but that would be pretty gawdy...

  6. haha, no.

  7. I would say no. But they wearing skinny jeans and stuff so might as well. They can't say nothing because thats the style and stuff.

  8.   im a GIRL and i wouldnt even wear that.  

    gosh i wish you didnt have your profile on private so everyone could see the fact that this is the only question you ever ask.  the clothes in it may change but they are ALWAYS unattractive female clothes and you always ask if a guy can wear them.  you need to grow up and quit trolling yahoo answers with the same question

  9. Erm. Yeah i cant see why not.

  10. maybe if you turned g*y? but i shure as h**l wouldn't. (no offense to anyone who is g*y)

  11. If his name is Kaitlyn Marie he can.

  12. Well if that's what you want to wear, and what you like they may have that jcpenney jacket under the men's catalog.  
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