
Can a hearse carrying a corpse drive in the carpool lane?

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Can a hearse carrying a corpse drive in the carpool lane?




  1. In response to FI. Guy...... you may have found a loop-hole.

    I'll just throw in a few dead bodies into the trunk.....

    But, officer..... I do have a car-pool. They're in the back.

    Ha ha...... just kidding!

  2. I know it's just a fun question at this point, but I was just seeing what I could suggest that hadn't already been mentioned.

    'Carpool' suggests that the people in the car would have otherwise taken their own cars, but to cut down on traffic and save fuel, they carpool.  The lanes are designed to give people an incentive to give up the luxury of having their own cars, and rewarding them when they do with a faster-moving lane.

    I would say that a corpse wouldn't have taken his own car had it not been for the hearse.  

    The highway patrol has to be able to count heads as well, so in a normal corpse-in-a-hearse situation, his head would not be visible.  That also goes for the pregnant woman.  No one can see the baby's head, so he doesn't count.

    If you are reclined in your car seat, or lying down in the back, you don't count either, because you can't be seen, and even if a cop did see your passenger doing that, you would be pulled-over and given a ticket, so the carpool rule in that situation doesn't matter.  

    Ya, in California, at least, it's illegal to lie down in a car during operation because the seat belt is not effective it that position.

    There may not be a law written that a person has to be alive in order to count, but the name of the lane itself defines a condition that can only be met by a living person.

  3. No.  I used to wonder the same thing about pregnant women.  The person has to be alive and sitting in the passenger seat in order for it to be ok to drive in the carpool lane.

  4. haha i guess he is in the carpool lane rules because there are two or more people in the car lolol

  5. this one AGAIN? DOES  why do people ppst the same

    question over and over and over and over!

    i have reported you for being a troll

    have fun losing your account

  6. perhaps someone should call the CHP and ask them

    (they should know since they would be ones to write the ticket

  7. LOL. Most HOV lanes requrie people to be in the car at the time, a dead person is still considered a person so I guess you could do that, since most hearses have two people riding in it already and are part of a procession, it's not really a big issue, I've seen them in HOV lanes before here in Texas.

  8. absolutly. you show me te law that says everyone needs to be alive.

  9. Lol...I think that would be a bit of a stretch, but I don't know that a cop is going to bother pulling over a hearse.  Personally when I see one it makes me feel better to assume it's on its way to pick up the body, not the other way around.  Creeps me out.  Good question though.

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