
Can a hole in your subwoofer ruin the bass sound?

by  |  earlier

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  1. A hole in the box that is not designed to be in there could make the bass sound weak, depending on the type of box, but if it is in the woofer, then its not gonna make much sound.

  2. Do you mean on the sub woofer box or the sub woofer speakers.  

    Most sub woofer box has some hole but the are carefully designed to enhance the boom effect.  

    But if you are talking about a hole in the speaker material, that will ruin any speaker.

    Good Luck...

  3. Is it a ported box? are you talking about the port?

    If the hole is not a part, than yes it will make it sound like c**p.

  4. oh LMFAO @ the addition to your question man. should really work on phrasing stuff.

    any who... if the hole in the box is not done right, it will sound like c**p. because there are alot of factors that go into tuning a ported box. the size of the hole and how much it goes into the box and internal walls will determine how the subwoofer waves will sound.

    if its just done like c**p, there will be alot of turbulence in the output.. it would sound like a whisling noise, and the tuning will be either way too high or way too low.

    as a matter of fact, ported box, when done correctly, will sound 3-4 times louder than a sealed box. and depending on the tuning frequency of the box, alot of the original sound quality will remain while been much louder than a sealed box.

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