
Can a horse show signs of being in season when pregnant?

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That's about it. =)




  1. That's a resounding YES!  My mare (20 years old) was trying to convince my geldings to breed to her all the way through her pregnancy, basically until the three days before she foaled.  Then three days after she foaled, she was at it again.

    It's annoying, but she is the best broodmare ever.

  2. Yea a mare can show signs of being in heat if she's pregnant.  I actually worked with a gorgeous halter mare that was bred the first time and for several months after she was confirmed in foal, she showed mild signs of heat.  We checked her again after six months and she was still pregnant, but after about the seven month mark, she no longer showed signs of being in heat.  She went on the have a lovely little chestnut filly and her second pregnancy she did the same thing, but not her third.

  3. Yes though it is fairly rare. Why do you need a vet you will know in about 11 months for sure.

  4. The answer to your question is simply no, because a mare will not come into season once she has been bred and the pregnancy commences.  I am sure, as in humans, there is a simple pregnancy check which can be done on urine or by a blood test.  If you speaks to your veterinarin about this, I am sure that he will assist you in your query.

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