
Can a hospital in Georgia,lien a house for payment of bill.

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Can a hospital in Georgia,lien a house for payment of bill.




  1. The hospital itself wont.  They have a billing process for their hospital and if an account shows up delinquent they will sell it to a collection's agency to get the money.    

  2. No.  

  3. send them a note saying I will pay you $25 a month every month if you can send More do it.  

  4. They would have to sue and win a judgment first.

  5. I had no insurance up until a couple of months ago. I needed urgent care and was treated by a hospital in Ohio. I sent $25 a month until the balance was under $100.00 and then paid it off. Trying working out a payment plan with them. Also, if the hospital has a bill, the physician who treated you might have a separate bill. You'd need to make payment arrangements on that as well.

    Can a hospital in Georgia sue for a past bill? I see many copies of liens pass across my desk and I do see quite a few from hospitals in addition to collection agencies. You need to check your state laws to see if medical judgments can attach to real property. In some states they can.

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