
Can a house change a family?

by  |  earlier

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It's strange, after we moved houses a lot of c**p things happened to us so we got a late start on renovating our house (it's been a year and we still haven't started renovating). Our house is a huge mess, it's so unbelievably cluttered it's not even funny. My family has changed too, everyone gets angry constantly and we are all yelling 24/7 at each other.

So my question is; is this cluttered house providing a bad atmosphere for my family? and how do I fix this?




  1. Yes, yes, yes.  Clutter, well, it is a mental as well as a physical problem.  Despite all that is going on, try to get a handle on the ora within the walls and everything else will fall into place.  Start with trying storage, out of eyesight.   God Bless.

  2. Ohhhhhh yes!! Try by organizing small sections at a time. Just a corner for starters. Boxes work good for hiding stuff and then cover with pretty plastic table cloths from dollar store. Also, old suit cases can be filled with things to keep out of sight. Don't stress, just see it as a challenge and live with the goal in mind.  

  3. Definitely yes......... clear away the clutter cuz the clutter is blocking the way to your love for each other...and this causes frustration. Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Clean it, arrange it and then decorate it. Love will eventually start flowing smoothly as it will easier for it to find its way and a beautifully clean, organized and fragrant house. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU.  

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