
Can a human body levitate or teleport ??

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Can a human body levitate or teleport ??




  1. tel-port is on its way, levitate is in progress.

  2. People can levitate... in helicopters. But teleport? Noooooo.

  3. Yes. But you must wait till the 24th century for that

  4. Idk, ask Kriss Angel.

  5. Scientists have discovered a way of levitating ultra small objects by manipulating the so-called Casimir force, which normally causes objects to stick together by quantum force. This practice however, is only possible for micro-objects.

    You can also get things to levitate if you have a magnet and a superconducting device. We did this in our physics class in college. Right now, you would need to cool the device down to the temperature of liquid helium. This is done through something called the Meissner effect.

    It is theoretically possible to use some kind of anti-gravity device. Maybe using something with negative mass could do the trick.

    Small items have also been levitated through diamagnetic forces.

    Teleportation might be possible if you were able to scatter someone's molecules, transmit them or just the information to another point at close to the speed of light and then reassemble them at the destination.

    Perhaps you could do teleportation by forming some kind of wormhole.

    I would think it might be possible using one of those improbability drives from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."

    Remember, with quantum mechanics, all kinds of bizarre things become possible.

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