
Can a hurricane form without being directly over water?

by Guest63415  |  earlier

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Can a hurricane form without being directly over water?




  1. no. hurricane is fueled by the warm temperatures of the water. Causes a feedback system & more energy from the warm water fuels the storm. No warm water no hurricane

  2. No. Hurricanes can form only on warm waters, they begin as small clusters of storms. Winds from two different directions come and wrap themselves around the storms, thats how you get the rotation motion. The moisture in the air get brought in by the winds, thus explains the rain. And anywa, hurricanes feed on the warmth of the waters, so if a hurricane cold form on land without directly being over water, we'd have hurricanes be formed everyday!! (possibly, thats not a proven fact.)

  3. in order for a hurricane to form, there has to be the presence of water

  4. Oh yes it can!  Its actually NOT warm water.. it has to do with scaler electromagnetic energy.. hurricanes can be steered, and even diffused.. there are actual patent in the US Patent office concerning this.

    For instance- by using HARP and scalar magnetic energy hurricanes can in fact be turned in any direction.. ... all the information is available in "weather wars and other unnatural disasters" by Steven Quayle... a must read for this question ..  

  5. Not possible;warm sea or ocean surface is the birth place of all hurricanes

  6. NO, I think they form off the coast of Africa and intensify with the warm Atlantic water, especially in the Gulf of Mexico.

  7. The eye, or center of the storm is what needs to be over water.  Half the storm can be over land, but as long as the eye is over water, it can develop.  The whole storm doesn't have to be over water to develop, but the eye does.  But we all seen with Fay that it strenghened once it hit florida.  

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